Do you think that the Syrian revolution expresses the conscience of the Islamic and Arab peoples?

Yes, but it must end its relations with foreign countries and preserve more sovereignty and constants [ 8 votes] 30.77%
Yes, it expresses the conscience of the Islamic nation, but it is a revolution for all oppressed peoples of all sects and groups [ 6 votes] 23.08%
I do not support it with everything, but it is the last steadfast Islamic fortress and we must defend it [ 5 votes] 19.23%
No, because it is characterized by Islamic influence [ 4 votes] 15.38%
No, because it gave an excuse for foreign intervention and did not protect civilians [ 3 votes] 11.54%
26 vote(s) . Closed at Saturday, March 6, 2021, at 1:35pm

Poll created on Monday, December 21, 2020, at 3:30am
Created By: Anonymous ( Create Your Account )
Poll is closed.
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